it looks sound but...
By Sean C.S. Hu for Wu Tsan-Cheng (吳燦政)
It looks sound but…
Sound that is ignored
Sound, more specifically can be human speech, or the noise that is emitted during communication, is the noise made when objects collides, vehicles roaring by, wind passing through branches and across the grassland; in the abstract sense it is often the position occupied by awareness. The first is engraved deeply into everyday life, and actions constitute the development of history; the latter scatter across various discussions about human talk with politics, power, etc. Some sound so huge we are incapable of not noticing, their every move attracting our attentions, some sounds are too small or confused, making us forget and then ignored. Being ignored is being neglected, also taken for granted as we become accustomed thus no longer contemplate and think. In the photography works of Chen Po-I, abandoned objects that is destroyed by chaos hints at the original space and activities might have been carried out, and through mud stains left on the walls or the construction equipment, it is apparent that the human activity that was in the space was removed involuntary (government plans, natural disasters) and space left abandoned describing also the problems within politics and power. From a third person perspective, the artist records each scene in a detached manner, the seemingly quite figureless image further emphasis faint cries of the people and historical value of the place being ignored. In contrast, Wu Tsan-Cheng’s sound recording is the response of the neglected voices, through the collection and reorganizing of everyday “sound” that is often ignored by being considered as noise, using sound to contrast the image of Taiwan, which further questions our awareness to these “sounds” buried in our everyday life, when we are unsure of our position.
Incident and view
For an incident happening, in what way can we observe, when the incident does not include a main protagonist, whether it is absent or the protagonist have blended with the background then how can we identify and imagine the happening of these incidents? Following the few clues available to outline the structure of the incident, and imagine as fully as possible its mood and atmosphere, contemplating on every level, recreate and construct, only then can we see the full form of the incident. When removed from their context these clues provided us with a different perspective when their special traits. Whether it is Chen Po-I’s photography or Wu Tsan Cheng’s sound art, the image and sound captured are not a complete description individually but pieces of the complete description, which we can piece together into an event in motion.
Describing Taiwan
This exhibition presents a description of Taiwan piece together from the pieces ignored in our daily life, background sound and image. These sounds signify the structure of power and hints at the ignorance to the value of our existence, collecting different clippings of sound from everyday places around Taiwan, and views in local specific areas in Taiwan, giving us a different perspective of which at first glance look sounds but…